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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Before we get started a **warning about my future blogs**

I have to warn people, if you are going to read my blog be forewarned that I do use what some people may call offensive words, swear words and I use the word “fat” often, that is a word I always referred to myself as, I didn’t try to sugar coat the word that I was, I didn’t like the words pleasantly plump, or overweight I was fat and I knew it. I know some people don’t like that word but it is a word I use. So if swear words or the word fat offend you I would say you shouldn’t be reading my blog. 
Also I don’t spell well. Sometimes spell check doesn’t even know what the hell I am trying to say. Also I definitely don’t use proper grammar, or punctuation. So again be warned if you are a fanatic about spelling, grammar, or punctuation don’t read my blog  


  1. I'm already offended - JUST KIDDING :) blog on.....i'm waiting with bated breath...

  2. oh apachegrl is Wenonah, fyi :)

  3. Thanks Wenonah I was wondering who that was :)
