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Monday, August 9, 2010

Roy's time to shine

Ok this is my time to brag on how well Roy is doing and how he is proof of how great losing weight is for your health!!
     When we started the new healthy eating lifestyle, Roy really didn’t have a clue on what this all entailed.  He didn’t know what a serving size was suppose to be, he probably never had read a food label before, he didn’t know how much was to much fat and sugar in foods, and before we started all this he really “didn’t care”.  He weighed in at just shy of 300lbs. He had been to the doctor and was put on pills for his very high blood sugar and high blood pressure.  His blood sugar was averaging  mid 200 to high 200, normal is suppose to be average of 120. His blood pressure was averaging 140 to mid 140's over 90's to 100, this is extremely high, he was approaching what they call Stage 2 hypertension,  Left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to coronary heart disease, which can mean a heart attach or stroke.   These 2 health issues left untreated would have most certainly caused some very serious damage to Roy and possibly death if he had continued along the same path.
     He is now down 40lbs, his blood sugar is 112 and bp 125/78 he hasn’t taken his medication for a couple months so these numbers have dropped drastically because of his weight loss.  Just losing 40lbs he has been able to get off the medication for the high blood sugar and bp.  This is proof of how losing weight can turn around these numbers and make you a healthier person. 
     He has learned what foods are better for you and what foods are not worth eating because you will have to exercise more to work off the extra calories, or it will spike your blood sugar levels. 
We decided to try Tofu hot dogs since regular hot dogs and polish dogs are so bad for you and full of fat and really no nutritional value especially when you eat 3 to 4 in one sitting.  Anyway I am not really fond of the Tofu dogs but Roy likes them, anyone that knows Roy your probably picking your jaw off the floor right now reading that. In the past he has told me many times he is a “meat and potatoes kinda of guy” so the fact he is eating Tofu hot dogs now is a miracle in it self and the fact he likes them is not anything I ever thought I would heard come out of his mouth. 
    In the past when I would say oh your eating a lot or that certain food really isn’t good for you his standard response had been “I don’t care.”  He started to “care” when the doctor gave him the 2 diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, so I did research on these and I told him all the info I found on them and how dangerous it was.  I asked him to sit down and watch a hour long Dr. Oz special on diabetic and how dangerous that is for you.  Over the years he kept saying he “felt fine”  well that’s the problem with these two issues they are silent  killers,  you think you feel fine but it is killing you from the inside out.  A lot of people don’t even know they have either of them, all the while it is doing a lot of damage to your insides. I told him I wasn’t  ready to lose my husband, and his son wasn’t ready to lose his dad.  I told him if he “didn’t care” about himself, then to think of his son and myself, I told him “yeah you wont care when your dead, but it will be the ones that love you most effected when your no longer here.”
     Now that he has lost 40lbs so far and he now has learned he didn’t “feel fine” like he once thought when he weight almost 300lbs.  When you have been overweight for a long time you just get use to how you feel, all the little aches and pains you feel on a daily basic your back, knees, and feet, your stomach being icky a lot of the time, not sleeping well because the excessive snoring wakes you up all night long, all issues related to being overweight.  Roy has now said he “feels so good” a lot of the issues are subsiding and with the more weight he takes off he will completely feel like a new man more so than he already is experiencing. 
    Some of the guys harass Roy saying I am controlling him telling him what he can and can not eat.   I want to be clear on one thing, again those that know Roy well, you know you don’t tell him what he can and can not do.  I will say when he got the diagnoses of the type 2 diabetes and the high BP, it scared me and yes I did get a little bitchy as said above telling him if he didn’t care about him self he needs to not be selfish and think of the people that love and care about him and I helped him see how serious both of these issues are.  Mostly after that initial conversation, we learned together how to eat healthier.  I don’t nag him at all, frankly now I don’t even have the opportunity to do so even if I wanted to, he has learned that if he goes back to his old ways of eating, he will not feel as good physically, and will have to go back on all the meds which he doesn’t want to do.  As I have said myself all a long it is a choice we each have to make on our own, no one can make you eat the right foods and to exerciser on a regular basis, it is only something you can do for yourself. 
     I want to say how proud I am of my wonderful husband, he has done such a great job and is on track to living a long and healthy life!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am trying so hard to do this with my husband!! He is about 6'2 and weighs about 290. Feels bad all the time, major back problems, etc. etc. Best of luck to your husband!
