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Monday, August 2, 2010


When you have accomplished your goal and want to reward yourself it can be something that makes you happy, and not necessarily food.
    In the past when I use to “diet” I use to, use food as a reward for my accomplishments, but now I don’t really like to choose food items as my rewards.  For me if I did this and I choose the “good foods” I use to eat, that wouldn’t be to smart for a couple reasons.  The first being like I said before food is an addiction for me, so if I want to reward myself with a snickers candy bar it quite possible might set me off once I get a taste of that wonderful candy bar in my mouth I will crave it more and more.  Second reason is why would I want to eat something full of a ton of calories, with the knowledge of how much longer I should be exercising to work that amount of calories off.  I ask myself is it worth it to eat that Snickers to have to walk an extra 30 minutes to an hr on the treadmill, that answer always is the same “HELL NO IT’S NOT WORTH IT!!!”  (remember I hate the exercising part)  so that happy little party that could be happening in my mouth for all of what, 2 minutes that it took me to gobble up the candy bar is NOT worth it to me. 
Why would I do this to myself anyway, how is that any different than if I was an alcoholic and I had met my goal of being sober for a month, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to reward my sobriety with a drink of vodka.  If I had quite smoking cigarettes for a month I wouldn’t say oh just a couple celebratory puffs on a cig wont hurt, yes it would hello, it would make your cravings heightened all over again, and all your hard work just went out the window.  So for me I mostly choose non food items as rewards for myself, like buying new clothes, or some of my favorite crafty items, plus these kinds of items are around much longer for you to enjoy than food items you just shoved in your mouth, chewed up, and swallowed, and it gone in a couple minutes.  If I do choose food items I  may choose something I don’t usually eat on a daily basis, like a no sugar added pie from Sherries, or Marie Calendars, or I may make a 50% lower sugar cake from Pillsbury, so something that is a “treat” for me, but a better choice than a regular pie or cake.
Rewards are nice and you deserve them, but make sure your making the best choice for you as to not pick something that may possible send you in the wrong direction all over again, choose wisely.
Side note:
I have been following a blog that is really great if you want to check it out also, she is very inspirational, and funny, if this link doesn’t work go to where it says who I follow and look for bitch cakes

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