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Monday, July 5, 2010

My battle with exercise

I HATE exercising, but I am committed to do this!!!! I have lost almost 70lbs now, but I just cant seem to get a handle on the exercising regularly part, I don’t like it, maybe because I am lazy, I don’t know, all I know is I really don’t enjoy it, and with that said it makes it soooooo easy to make excuses to not get off my ass and do it.  I love the results and I actually love the good feeling you get after your done exercising, for me it is just getting my butt in gear to DO IT!!  One of the motivating factors that is helping me get focused is I keep hearing how good exercising is for you whether you have extra weight to loose or not, they say everyone really should be exercising, it has been proven over and over again how good it is for your general health and helps you live a long healthy life.  Since I said previously one of the big motivating factors for me to loose weight was I wanted to be around for my kids, I want to live a long healthy life, and exercising from what I keep hearing is one of the key factors to this.  So it is time to kick it in gear and make myself do this and stick with it!!!!

We joined a gym in November 2009 (first time I have ever belonged to a gym) my goal was to go 4 days a week, I did good at first but the last 2 to 3 months I have slacked way off.  I have been having some hormone issues, because of the weight loss.  My dr said because of the amount of weight I have lost it messed up my hormone levels which has given me a number of horrible symptoms.   Two of the worst is shear exhaustion mid way through the day, and my body feeling like I have been hit by a semi truck, I am in the process of trying to get my body back to normal, so yes I have a excuse for not being able to exercise as much, but still there are probably sometimes I could have pushed myself to go, but it is just easier to sit on the couch and whine about how crappy I feel!!! I am slowly starting to feel somewhat better now, so I have been making it to the gym 1 to 2 days a week, and just this last week I started walking early in the AM.  I walk around my neighborhood for 2 miles, it takes 30 minutes.  30 minutes out of my day is so doable for me, and I will say I am actually kind of enjoying it.  At this point I can seem to MAKE myself do 30 minutes everyday, opposed to going to the gym for 1 ½ to 2 hours a day 4 days a week.  I know I am not getting nearly as good of a workout this way, but the way I am looking at it is at least I am doing something, and hopefully when my body gets back to normal (whatever that is, ha ha ha) I will have more energy to get back to the 3 to 4 days a week at the gym.  I must give kudos to Roy though, through all these months of me slacking at going to the gym he has continued to go by himself, which is wonderful, I am very proud of him!!  The only time he didn’t go regularly is when he was worked almost 240 hours in 19 straight days, that of course was during grad season and they were slammed at work, and he was working his ass off at work.
At this point I am trying to find a exercise program that works for me, my goal is to progressively push myself to do more and more.  As I said I guess I am just lazy, and I know myself if I push myself to hard I WILL not continue an exercise program, but I also know I need to push myself some or I wont get anywhere either, so I am in the process of trying to find a happy balance.  This is all a learning experience for me. 

I found all this info on the internet and thought it was worth passing along: 

    * Heart disease is twice as likely to develop in inactive people as in those who are more active.
    * Physically active women have a 60 to 75 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease than inactive women.
    * Physical activity helps maintain weight, blood pressure, and diabetes—all risk factors for heart disease.
    * One of the easiest ways to begin exercising is walking.
*No medicine is as powerful as physical activity.

Exercise is not just something that you do  it is something that you become. Whether you like to exercise or not isn't really an option, it is a choice, a choice that is dependent on you!!!  Nobody can do this for you no exercise program or trainer, no pill or supplement. It comes from deep within you. (this is what I am trying to tell my self)

Most people need at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days per week.

People don't want to hear about the patience aspect. They want instant gratification. But the cold, hard reality is if you want to lose weight and keep it off, it's work. No one loses weight and keeps it off without trying.
In closing exercising is great for everyone’s overall health, doing the walking for 30 minutes 5 days or more a week, is a wonderful start then you can start increasing your  amount of walking or start doing more cardiovascular exercises and weights. If you are doing nothing right now 30 minutes a day is a GREAT start, everyone can find 30 minutes a day to help yourself have a better quality of life, you and your families deserve it!!  So get movin  

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