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Monday, July 19, 2010

Trigger foods and what to do about them

As I have said in previous blogs, my own personal opinion is food is an addiction.  No different than a drug addict or an alcoholic.  Whether you believe this or not we all do have certain food that “trigger” us. This means if you are around it you possible cant stop yourself from eating this food, and or if you do give in and eat that particular food it can send you into a tail spin of overeating that food or worst other foods as well that you normally would stay away from.

For me the biggest trigger food are doughnuts and baked chips.  (It is getting easier to control my urge to overeat these food, except when my hormones are at full speed, if ya know what I mean) (it sucks to be a woman sometimes)

This is what happens when these foods are around me and my hormones are going strong, I seriously cant control my urges to eat the food, it’s like it calls or pulls me till it put the crap in my mouth, then you just go into a vicious cycle of anger, self hate, & being very disappointed in your self, sometimes it just leads to more over eating.

 Just last week I was making the kids some YUMMY Maple brown sugar swirl toast for snack, one slice is 120 calories, 2.5g fat, & 8g sugar, well as I was making this for the kids it smelled SOOOOOOOOOO good, just like a maple doughnut and that my friends is my biggest down fall, (keep in mind I was hormonal at this particular time) so what do you think happen next, I took just a “little bite” of a piece of toast, NOT SMART, I should have known better, that lead to me making myself TWO F-ing pieces of the toast, that I inhaled so fast.  As I was doing this I was thinking about 2 things, one, if I eat it so fast it wont really count, what????  (the crazy shit we try to tell ourselves)  Two, I was thinking to myself as I was downing the toast, slow down dumb ass and at least enjoy the food, but no it was so tasty I gobbled it up faster then fast, at a total 240 calories, then I was pissed at myself!

What I do and am obviously still working on from time to time, is I try to just not have these particular “trigger” foods in my house.  (I still have a couple loaves of the yummy bread I gave to the kids as a snack, well sorry kids but I am giving that bread away to someone else)  The baked chips are usually always in my house but I just make sure they are out of site, then most times if I don’t see them then I am fine. The chips are something I can have with dinner or lunch and measure out a serving size and I am fine with them, but I cant have it for a snack because then I seem to eat to many.  So I just know the baked chips are only for dinner or lunch meals.

My best advice is just don’t buy foods that you know are triggers for you, or if you have to have them for others in your home then keep them out of your site, don’t leave the bag of cookies right on the kitchen counter or in a cupboard you frequently get into, so it isn’t right in your face all day every day.  Better yet you can buy a healthier choice of most foods, (except the doughnuts, I haven’t found them in sugar free yet, look out when that day comes) but they have some good cookies in sugar free, they have really good baked chips, no sugar added ice cream, or candy.  You still need to be careful to not overeat the healthier choices, but at least they are better then the other. There also is no reason everyone in your home cant eat healthier food choices, just because they may not need to lose weight it is still healthier for everyone to cut down on sugar, fats, and the astronomical about of white carbs people eat, opposed to whole grains foods.

So in closing today, don’t buy the bad food your shouldn’t be eating and you wont eat them!!  LOL

P.S. I walked 2 1/2 miles each day, 5 days last week, I sure didn't want to get up at 5:45am and do it this morning, but I made myself, like I said it is only about a half an hour, I can drag my ass out of bed for about an half hour of walking, that's doable for me!!!

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