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Monday, July 26, 2010

Overwhelmed and not knowing how to start, start by making small changes:

Do you want to lose weight but are just overwhelmed at how to start, or think I cant do it so why even try. I use to do this all the time. I was overwhelmed with how to start and do it right this time, and then my thoughts would turn to when was I going to fail again, so why even bother.

 When I first started my new eating life style, I didn’t know where to start, I was afraid of failing yet again. I didn’t want to talk about it to everyone, because I thought they would be thinking to themselves “oh here she goes again on a diet, I wonder how long this one will last a day, week, maybe a month if she is lucky and does it right this time.”  So I just kept it to myself to see what was going to happen and if I was really going to be able to do it this time around.

If you have ever felt overwhelmed or not knowing how to get started, you can start slow and see what happens, then the more you see results the more excited and more encouraging it is to you, which helps tremendously to keep you going and do better and better. 

Start slow and make small changes to start with.  Like I have said I have been walking 2 ½ miles 5 days a week in an average of about 35 minutes.  If that seem like to much right now set your goal to walk for 15 minutes each day and as a week or 2 go by add 5 minutes to your retinue.  Or if you can do 30 minutes but 5 days seems like to much at first start at 2 or 3 times a week and increase that after a while.  I have also heard that you can do 15 minutes walks 2 times a day.  Find what will be easy for you to get you doing something and just keep increasing it over time. 

Food choices:
1.    start keeping tract of EVERYTHING you put in your mouth food or drinks for a week, and I mean everything, (don’t try to cheat and not jot something down, because your not fooling your waist line) even if you just take a bite of something write it down. Lots of times we just don’t realize how much food we consume each day.
2.    Don’t go for the second helping. 
3.    Start reading food labels so you have an idea what your actually eating (then you can plan on making healthier choices.) Also by reading the labels you will see what the serving size is suppose to be.
4.    Start weight and measuring the foods you eat, so you have a very clear idea of what your eating.
5.    Cut back on food with sugar in them.
6.    Cut back on processed foods (I know they are easy and convenient but horribly bad for you)
7.    change from eating white carbs, to eating whole grains/whole wheat (pastas, beads, rice, etc)
You can just choose one of these at a time to start slow as to not feel to overwhelmed, let yourself get use to one thing for a week or so and then add in another.
I was just reading on a web site this woman was starting what she is calling a  12 step (month) program. She is going to set a monthly exercise goal and a monthly food goal her. Her example for her 1st month 30 mins cardio 5 days a week, 20 mins toning 3 days a week. Food Goal: No pop. Then at the start of each new month she will continue with her 1st months goals but add a little more to them. She will be picking something new to try or something to cut back on each month. I think this is a good idea, it's a easy way to start slowly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet, this is a great post! Thank you for reading my blog and of course you may link to me and share me with your readers. Keep up the great work!
