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Monday, July 12, 2010

The speed or lack there of the weight comes off:

Re cap on my exercising, I did good this last week.  I start my work out week on Sundays, so I walked around my neighborhood at 6am for 2 miles (30 minutes) Sunday, Monday (and I went to the gym Monday evening with Roy) Tuesday, Wednesday I went to the gym at  5:30am, Thursday, & Friday I walked.  So much better then before I feel good about that.  I didn’t do any Saturday or Sunday, but this morning I did 2 ½ miles!  Now on to this weeks topic.

The speed or lack there of the weight comes off:

I have been fat most of my adult life, I have dieted and failed many many times, in my opinion “diets” don’t work, I know people hear this all the time “diets don’t work you need to change your life style”  I have learned now this really is true.  You can lose weight on any “diet” but the problem is keeping it off when you stop the ”diet”, that is why you just need to change the way your eating habits in general forever.
 Of course everyone myself included, wants a “quick fix” they want to lose the weight fast.  You have to remember it took years to put on the extra weight so you have to expect it to take a while to take it off, sometimes it seems like a LONG while.  You can find tons of diets or product that claim it will take off a lot of weight in a fast amount of time, you have to remember the old saying “if it sounds to good to be true then it probably is”  Yes these diets and products can take weight off, but in a healthy way?  Or permanently?  Most times no, they are nothing but quick fixes that most times don’t last long term.  The key is you will need to change your eating habits permanently.  This means less food in general, smaller portions, less fat and sugars, just eating healthier foods in general, and of course the dreaded exercise!!!!

     I haven’t set unrealistic goals for myself, because I know myself, if I set to high goals and they don’t get met then I will get mad and give up. Then the vicious cycle begins, I get all mad at myself wondering why I cant seem to do this and or stick to it, and then just give up AGAIN.  It took me 14 months to lose 70lbs so far, I personally feel that took me a long time, I have to keep reminding myself we are all different, remember that and don’t beat your self up if you don’t lose as fast as you would like.  My husband didn’t see the numbers move much on the actually scale for the first 4 to 5 months, but he dropped several clothing sizes,  he was working out more than I was and doing more weights lifting, so you could tell in how his clothes were fitting better but not on the scale at first. He got very discouraged at times but stuck with it and by 8mo he has lost 39lbs, but even better was a drastic difference in how he physically looks and better yet how much better he feels.  So everyone is different, I have also heard it depends on your age, the older you are the harder it is and longer it will take you to take it off, you might see results right at first, some people do and some don’t, just try not to  get discouraged and quit if you don’t. 

   Now if you have gone for month and months and still are not seeing much of any results either on the scale or how your clothing is fitting, I would take a hard look at what and how much your really eating.  It goes back to the last blog on portion control and keeping track of what your eating.  Sometimes we think we are not eating as much as we are, or that little bit/taste here and there don’t count, well yes they do count.  Being honest with yourself and keeping track of EVERYTHING you eat and drink is key.  Reading the labels and knowing how many calories are in each item you eat is knowledge you need to lose weight effectively. I know I was surprise how much I really was eating and how many calories things were when I actually started reading the labels and keeping better tract of what I was eating.  So if you are not seeing the results you want don’t get discouraged but start to change up what and how much your eating and add in more exercise. 

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